Monday, November 9, 2009


While reading this article, I was thinking of movies similar to what people have listed below, but one came to mind that I felt kind of complicated the article if you will. The movie Hitch is older, but known by many. It's a classic Will Smith movie. He plays the cool, slick, sexy and the ultimate ladies man. Many of the qualities he presents in this movie are shown to be the cool way to get women and the "right way" to get women, which generally would be seen as Dryer would claim portrayed by the white race. The trailer states that he knows how to help the "common man." However, Will Smith in this movie is the main lead and while he uses the ways of the "dominant" white race, he puts his own slick "blackness" into it. This "blackness" is a smooth, cool-cat kind of vibe. He's classy and fresh and always a pleasure to in this case, the women. It's interesting in this film because he's "mentoring" a white, heavier set male who is seen not as inferior, but as the underdog or beneath the caliber of Will Smith's character. I thought this was interesting because in a way the character of Albert is taking on the "oddness, differentness" (Dyer, 141) that is described as the minority role by Dyer. Dyer says that "whiteness is a representational power" and that white people are looked down upon if they "exhibit blackness" (Dyer, 154), but it is alright for blacks to exhibit the white qualities, which is clearly supported by this article. However, in my opinion Will Smith puts his own spin on the "dominant white qualities."

1 comment:

  1. This is a good counter-example. I do believe that Will Smith is in a league of his own. He fits a different black "mold." I think that Will Smith has always been a little quirky and goofy and less of a hard-hitting, ghetto black guy. Therefore, I think it is easier for us to see Will Smith's character portray typically "white" characteristics.
